
Uttar Kaanda

209 - Dialogue between Lord Siva and Goddess Parvati; Garuda's delusion; Garuda listens to Sri Rama's story and to an account of His glory from Kakabhusundi

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tēhiṃ giri rucira basai khaga sōī. tāsu nāsa kalpāṃta na hōī..

māyā kṛta guna dōṣa anēkā. mōha manōja ādi abibēkā..

rahē byāpi samasta jaga māhīṃ. tēhi giri nikaṭa kabahu nahiṃ jāhīṃ..

tahaom basi harihi bhajai jimi kāgā. sō sunu umā sahita anurāgā..

pīpara taru tara dhyāna sō dharaī. jāpa jagya pākari tara karaī..

āomba chāhaom kara mānasa pūjā. taji hari bhajanu kāju nahiṃ dūjā..

bara tara kaha hari kathā prasaṃgā. āvahiṃ sunahiṃ anēka bihaṃgā..

rāma carita bicītra bidhi nānā. prēma sahita kara sādara gānā..

sunahiṃ sakala mati bimala marālā. basahiṃ niraṃtara jē tēhiṃ tālā..

jaba maiṃ jāi sō kautuka dēkhā. ura upajā ānaṃda bisēṣā..


On that splendid mountain dwells the same bird (Kakabhusundi), that outlives even the end of the world. The various good and evil phenomena created by Maya (the Cosmic Illusion), and ignorance in its varied forms such as infatuation,lust etc., which hold sway all over the universe, never touch the precincts of that mountain. Now hear, Uma, with tender affection how the crow spends his days there in adoring Sri Hari. Under the Peepul tree he practises meditation; he performs secrifice in the form of Japa (muttering of prayers) under the Plaksa; in the shade of the mango tree he offers mental worship to the Lord, having no occupation other than adoring Sri Hari; and under the banyan he narrates episodes from the story of Sri Hari, to hear which many a bird flocks there. With loving reverence he sings the various marvellous exploits of Sri Rama; the swans of pure mind, that ever dwell in that lake, all listen to the story. When I arrived there and saw the spectacle, an intense joy welled up in my heart.

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