
Uttar Kaanda

209 - Dialogue between Lord Siva and Goddess Parvati; Garuda's delusion; Garuda listens to Sri Rama's story and to an account of His glory from Kakabhusundi

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nānā bhāomti manahi samujhāvā. pragaṭa na gyāna hṛdayaom bhrama chāvā..

khēda khinna mana tarka baḍhaāī. bhayau mōhabasa tumharihiṃ nāī..

byākula gayau dēvariṣi pāhīṃ. kahēsi jō saṃsaya nija mana māhīṃ..

suni nāradahi lāgi ati dāyā. sunu khaga prabala rāma kai māyā..

jō gyāninha kara cita apaharaī. bariāī bimōha mana karaī..

jēhiṃ bahu bāra nacāvā mōhī. sōi byāpī bihaṃgapati tōhī..

mahāmōha upajā ura tōrēṃ. miṭihi na bēgi kahēṃ khaga mōrēṃ..

caturānana pahiṃ jāhu khagēsā. sōi karēhu jēhi hōi nidēsā..


Garuda did all he could to reassure himself; but the light of wisdom did not dawn on him; on the other hand,error overshadowed his soul all the more. Torn by torments and full of mental questionings, he fell a prey to delusion just like yourself. In his perplexity he approached the celestial sage (Narada) and apprized him of the doubt that preyed upon his mind. On hearing his tale Narada was moved with great compassion and said, "Listen, Garuda: formidable is Sri Rama's Maya (delusive power); it robs even the wise of their sense and bringing them under its sway clouds their mind with utter infatuation. The same Maya that befooled me many a time has laid its hold on you, O lord of the feathered creation. A blinding infatuation has taken root in your heart and it will not be readily eradicated by any words of mine. Therefore, betake yourself to Brahma (the four-faced Creator), O lord of the winged creatures, and do whatever he enjoins you."

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